Tag: Fun

૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡Weekly Reading Challenge ᶻ 𝘇 𐰁

안녕 내 블로그에 오신 것을 환영합니다 (hello welcome to my blog)

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Welcome this week we have a new weekly reading challenge. So what we had to do was write 2 paragraphs or more if you wanted. The book that I choose was baby sitters club (Claudia and the new girl) this is what I have written. I hope you enjoy

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좋아하는 케이팝 그룹 아래에 댓글을 달아주세요 (Comment down below your fav kpop group bye)

So basically this is about a baby sitters club also known as a netflix series. It’s about 5 teenagers coming together to form a baby sitters club to babysit. Also they go to school so they are schoolers and babysitters at the same time, mostly they have group meetings like 2-3 days a week to go over, who’s going to babysit who and what’s going on in that week. They take care of different things or family per week. Also they get a good share of money for what they do! 
This book is about Claudia making a new friend that was new to the school. Also had some of the same hobbies and things they both enjoyed doing! The both of them were both great artists and were in the same classes. They both entered into a competition involving their art. Their new girl’s name was Ashley, Ashley was very good at her art and started teaching Claudia new skills. Claudia ended up putting hers into the competition.
The whole group of the babysitters club except for Claudia, The group got mad at Claudia because she was hanging out with someone who was not a part of the group and was new. Because of that they black mailed her (ignored her). Ashley told her to not worry about anything at the time and worry about her art. That’s what the group didn’t like about Ashley, she was encouraging Claudia not to show up to club meetings because they were too busy exploring the city. Then Ashley got mad because Claudia went to go talk to them and make up. 
Ashley hated how the group didn’t let her come and hang out with them. At the end Claudia and Ashley became friends again and the group started to enjoy her being there. They all became friends and hanged out alot
Written by: Frankie.T

Celebration of Learning 2023 Term 3

Talofa ma fa’afeiloa’i i la’u blog (Hello and welcome to my blog)

This week is the last week of term and we have parent’s coming in to look at their childrens blogs. We have to show off what we have done this term and our learning. Check out my slideshow that my parent’s are going to look at! Comment down below what was your favourite thing this term.

Black Poems

Heyyy bloggers today we were doing some cyber smart work on blackout poems. A blackout poem is when you have a story and you have a poem you have changed the background, then you pick out the words for your poem. It was really easy for me to do in a small amount of time I hope you enjoy looking at it bye bloggers.


Weekly Reading Task (Make a pofile pic of your favourite book charachter)

Talofa ma fa’afeiloa’i i la’u blog (hello and welcome to my blog)

Today I made my weekly reading challenge for this week. The task was to basically make an animation slideshow etc. So I ended up making an animation on canva about Dawn Schafer. If you want more information about her she is basically a babysitter and a member of the babysitters club if you know what that series is. She is one of my favorite book character from babysitters club. So I edited my slideshow in canva and used some of the new digital animation tools to make a little animation happen when presenting. Thank you to Mrs Taylor our cybersmart teacher who told me how to do it. Well I hope you enjoy my animation that I made, comment down below what is your favorite letter.



Recount Writing W2 T2 2023

नमस्कार, स्वागत है और दूसरे ब्लॉग पोस्ट पर वापस(Hi and Welcome back to another blog post) This language is Hindi!
This week we started a recount about a event we had done on Monday it was cold wet and rainy so the PALS leaders had an idea to warm people up! Here my story hope you enjoy don’t forget to leave a comment telling me your fab part of what we did.
Orientation- (who) – My Pals Leaders was Emma and Maryam in my team was Catalina she was leader Tarinda, Kirtsen, Robert A, Lorenzo, Natui (what was the activity) Bombard (when) 24/7/23 on rainy wet monday (where) At school in the gym hall (More Information) Bombard is a game where there is a big ball in the middle 
Events (What happened) – It was a cold rainy yucky wet monday! Our game started off with having two teams. The pals leaders doing all the activities include Shreeya, Maryberth, Maryam, Emma, DJ, Ryder, Priest, Koaleo, Josh. I was playing Bombard with the Pals leaders Emma and Maryam. 
We split into two teams. My Leader was Catalina and the other team was Axl. We had a big yoga ball in the middle. We also had dodgeballs. We had to hit the big ball and get it to the opposite side for our group to get a point. 
We started playing and my team ended up winning. We didn’t get anything in return for winning, but it was a fun game to play on a wet morning. It got many people warmed up because it was very cold that day.
We played for about half an hour and we stopped to get our ideas into our writing document. Then we had to discuss our plans on how it’s going to be in order and to add interesting language for the reader to be hooked into what we did for that morning. 
Conclusion- I really did like doing some different things on a cold morning. It was different for some people but it was really fun for me. We had won and that felt great. We used a lot of teamwork in our team.


– Anne Frank Follow Up Task – Term 2 17/6/23

Kia Ora, followers last week we started a follow up about facts of Anne Frank. I enjoyed learning about her journey of being hiding for 2 years, And having like no food because the Russian people caught the people hiding and helping families out by giving out food. Learning about her past can be emotional for people, because its such a sad story, also reading some of her journals in English is upsetting. So much of love went into that family. Well we did facts for that task and I want to show you it. Byee! hope you enjoy comment you fav name for a person!


– Topic work – Term 2 15/6/23

Hello readers today I finished some of my topic before the term ends. We learned about the New Zealand history like who first found New Zealand? questions like that. It was fun to experience and to create I learned about the history and more about the culture. The fun part was tricky answering questions that the answer wasn’t in the story, So you had to think hard and question yourself. Well I want to share with you what I have learned, Some of this is my buddies to Siddiqah. Byee! Here’s the slideshow I hope you enjoy.

– GR Codes – 12/6/23 Term 2 ^^

다른 블로그 게시물 독자에 다시 오신 것을 환영합니다. 예, 이것은 다시 한국어입니다. ( Welcome back to another blog post readers yes this is in korean again)

This week for digitech we made our own QR code for our blogs, I really think this was fun and new and a good experience getting to like play around with the buttons and getting to like make us how we like it. We got to like do boarders colour’s text and all kinds of things like add photos into the middle of your QR code I also know that QR codes started mostly getting used in 2020 because of covid so like New Zealand had to use most of there things online. This was a fun expeience and if you would like to try it heres a link and creat your own QR code for an app! MEQR . Have fun creating your own comment down below your favorite New Zealand music artist out of 660, Georgia Lines, Evile Laloata! Byeeeee!!!!

Rapunzel Rapunzel I would ask…? /22/5/23/ Term 2!

Welcome back pupils, The last 2 weeks we have been learning how to use flip grid. A site where you can join your class by getting a code from your teacher. This is mostly used to make like videos of what your studying about or what your doing for your blogs. You can get asked questions then you answer them on flip grid and basically you make the video then downloaded it and post it to your blog. So… what we have done Miss Taylor has made a video the story is that Rapunzel got a magic minor where you can ask questions but not yes or no questions. So when we get out of the tower that she has been locked in for many years you can ask the minor what things are like now days. So the whole class done. BYE!! comment down below what is your favorite New Zealand native bird! hope you enjoy the rest of your day here’s mine hope you like it.

Is it Rude, Mean, Or bullying

hallo follower’s, For like 3 weeks we have been learning about not to bully people. And to teach little kids to be nice on the play grounds to other kids me and my group have made this  i-movie to show what rude is what mean is and bulling is when someone has hurt you called you names most than once. Us seniors are very big role models for the little kids so we need to set a example of what they should be doing so I hope you like the short movie and comment what your favourite part is!! 🙂

