Tag: maori

Ngaa Tae – Colours 2024

Kia ora, welcome back to my blog today in Maori we learned some colours and some sentences.

  • White – Maa
  • Red – Whero
  • Orange – karaka
  • Yellow – kowhai
  • Green – Kakariki
  • Blue – Kikorangi
  • Purple – Waiparoparo
  • Pink –  Mawhero
  • Brown – Paraine
  • Grey – Kiwikiwi
  • Black – Mangu / Pangu
  • Rainbow – Uenuku

He aha – What?

Te taw – the colour (one)

Ngaa tae – The colours (more than one)

He aha + te tae? – what is the colour?

Nga tae – what is the colours?

He aha Kakariki te tae –  the colour is green


– Topic work – Term 2 15/6/23

Hello readers today I finished some of my topic before the term ends. We learned about the New Zealand history like who first found New Zealand? questions like that. It was fun to experience and to create I learned about the history and more about the culture. The fun part was tricky answering questions that the answer wasn’t in the story, So you had to think hard and question yourself. Well I want to share with you what I have learned, Some of this is my buddies to Siddiqah. Byee! Here’s the slideshow I hope you enjoy.