Ancient Olympic Games

Hello everyone today I finished my ancient Olympic games slideshow. So as one of the must-do activities. I ended up finishing it today in period 3. The must-do was to make a poster/slideshow of your own custom sport that would be introduced into the Olympics (680 BCE). So the sport I created was dodgeball with arrows. So obviously you would have to dodge the arrows to live or win the game. If you died then you would straight away lose and die. This is the slideshow hope you enjoy it!!



Ancient Olympic’s

Hello everyone, we just started learning about the Olympics today in social studies and we will be working on it for a while. The first topic we are focusing on right now is the ancient Olympics. Some of the sports used back then were: the long jump, discus, javelin, equestrian events, running events, boxing, wrestling, and pankration. The first-ever Olympics games were held in Athens Greece in 1896. They used to call it Olympia but now the latest name is the Olympics. Every country can participate in the events now. Back then 14 nations participated and now 206 nations compete. That’s all the information for today, thank you.


P.E what I’ve learnt in soccer

For the past 2 weeks, we have been learning some soccer skills and techniques. Some skills were dribbling, coming in and out of cones, inside toe kicks, bigger passes, and playing the game. So my favorite skill out of this would definitely be the inside toe kicks, it’s really easy and we also did it with cones. Sorry I would show you a photo but I can’t it won’t load.



Kei te peehea – how are

  • hea – where
  • wai –  what
  • peehea – how
  • Kei te peehea ahau? – How am I?
  • Kei te peehea koe? – How are you?
  • Kei te peehea ia? – How is he or she?
  • Kei te peehea koe?
  • A. kei te (feeling) ahau.
  • Kare aa-roto – feeling
  • pai – good
  • harikoa – happy
  • ngenge – tired
  • mauiui – sick
  • rangirua – confused
  • Hoo-ha – fed – up or bored
  • Hiakai – hungry
  • Hiainu – thirsty
  • Hiamoe – sleepy
  • Hia – you want something
  • whaka – to do that thing
  • whakamaa – embrassed
  • Whakahi – proud
  • Wera – hot
  • makariri – cold
  • Pukuriri – angry
  • Pukumahi – busy
  • Poouri – sad
  • Awangawanga – anxious
  • heahea – silly
  • rawe – excellent
  • ohooho -surprised
  • Mataku – scared
  • E hia – how many
  • Tokohia – how many people
  • E hia ngaa tepu? – how many tables
  • E whaa ngaa tepu. – 4 tables
  • dictation
  • E hia ngaa aaporo? – How many apples?
  • Tokohia ngaa tamariki – how many children
  • E rima ngaa turu – 5 chairs
  • Kotahi te kaiako –  1 teacher
  • tekau maa rua ngaa tane. – 12 men




Ngaa Tae – Colours 2024

Kia ora, welcome back to my blog today in Maori we learned some colours and some sentences.

  • White – Maa
  • Red – Whero
  • Orange – karaka
  • Yellow – kowhai
  • Green – Kakariki
  • Blue – Kikorangi
  • Purple – Waiparoparo
  • Pink –  Mawhero
  • Brown – Paraine
  • Grey – Kiwikiwi
  • Black – Mangu / Pangu
  • Rainbow – Uenuku

He aha – What?

Te taw – the colour (one)

Ngaa tae – The colours (more than one)

He aha + te tae? – what is the colour?

Nga tae – what is the colours?

He aha Kakariki te tae –  the colour is green


Ngaa marama o te tau

kupu hou:

  • maori calender – maramataka
  • ngaa houanga – seasons
  • takurua – winter
  • kooanga – spring
  • raumati – summer
  • ngahuru – autumn


  • ngaa marama – months
  • hanuere – january
  • peepuere – feburary
  • maaehe – march
  • aaperira – april
  • mai – may
  • hune – June
  • hurrae – july
  • aakuhata – august
  • hepetema – september
  • ooketopa – October
  • noema – november
  • tiihema December


  • Wetero
  • ko te aha? – what?
  • teeni – this (1)
  • eenei – these (more than 1)
  • ko te aha teenei marama? eenei – what month is this/are these?
  • ko hune teenei marama – this month is june
  • ko hune, ko hurrae, ko aakuhata eenei marama o takurua – June, July and August are the months of winter

Ngaa Kaakahu

Kupu Hau


Jackact – Kooti

Hat – Pootae

Skirt – Panekoti

Trousers – Taarrau

Shorts – Taarau poto

Jeans – Taarau taaangari

Jersey – Paraka

Dress – Kaka

T-shirt – Tiihaate

Pyjamas – Kaakahu moe

Uniform – Kaakahu oorte

Swimming Togs – Kaakahu kaukau

Ngaa eenei

Socks – Tookena

Shoes – Huu

Gloves – karapu

Gumboots – Kamupuutu

Glasses – Moowhiti


He aha – What

Tenei – This (I thing by me)

Eenei – These (more than 1 thing by me)

He aha teenei? – What is this?

He aha teenei? – What is this?

He aha eenei? – What are these?

He kooti teenei –  This is a jacket

He kooti, he taarau eenei – These are a jacket and trousers


Waka building… will it float?

Greetings today we are finishing our waka. A type of Maori boat that they used to travel across the oceans and seas to find land. A waka is a type of boat with a cool design. Our design was to use water bottles as the bottom. Wooden sticks in the middle. Paper under the seatings is a kind of food storage and water storage. Use wooden popsicle sticks as seating for the waka. This is what we tried to make our waka look like down below:

We also stuck some wooden sticks on they kind of looked like toothbrushes. I think that it will float if we put a lot of effort into our waka. Tomorrow in period 5 we will be floating our waka into the water, To see whoever wins. This took us about 2 weeks to finish. Credits to the people in my group Addison, Peyton, Diviya, Aria , Annemieke and Yance. Here are the results thank you!!

Healthy Eating 2024

Kia Ora welcome to my blog post. Today in health we have been learning about healthy choices. What we should eat for better stability and to meet the healthy standards of reality. Well, good foods are good for your body and new foods are good for your body too. Sometimes it’s about equaling the meal out so sometimes have some unhealthy foods. Once every 2 weeks. Having lots of healthy food is good for your body but also too much of it would overflow your body and then you would lose weight.

Foods like fruit, veggies, real fruit ice cream, meat, oats, yogurt, bread (not too much), and salad, are healthy foods and a good source for our body.

Foods like takeaway, chips, chocolate, sweets, sugar, and snacks, are foods that aren’t too good for our bodies.

Using good foods for your body will let your body grow faster and make sure it functions as it should.

Examples of healthy foods:

Examples of unhealthy foods:

Thank you for reading and taking your time!


Hawaii To New Zealand

Hello welcome to my blog today we did a map about the migrants. The migrants struggled for days trying to find land. What would be the easiest way for them? Well, this is what I think. Finding Aotearoa what way did they go through the currents? Well here’s an example of how I feel about it. I think that it would go this way because…

It would be easier to travel through the currents & might be a lot faster because you’re going with the currents not going against them. Thank you so much for reading and looking at my blog post.