Tag: create

– Anne Frank Follow Up Task – Term 2 17/6/23

Kia Ora, followers last week we started a follow up about facts of Anne Frank. I enjoyed learning about her journey of being hiding for 2 years, And having like no food because the Russian people caught the people hiding and helping families out by giving out food. Learning about her past can be emotional for people, because its such a sad story, also reading some of her journals in English is upsetting. So much of love went into that family. Well we did facts for that task and I want to show you it. Byee! hope you enjoy comment you fav name for a person!


– Topic work – Term 2 15/6/23

Hello readers today I finished some of my topic before the term ends. We learned about the New Zealand history like who first found New Zealand? questions like that. It was fun to experience and to create I learned about the history and more about the culture. The fun part was tricky answering questions that the answer wasn’t in the story, So you had to think hard and question yourself. Well I want to share with you what I have learned, Some of this is my buddies to Siddiqah. Byee! Here’s the slideshow I hope you enjoy.

– GR Codes – 12/6/23 Term 2 ^^

다른 블로그 게시물 독자에 다시 오신 것을 환영합니다. 예, 이것은 다시 한국어입니다. ( Welcome back to another blog post readers yes this is in korean again)

This week for digitech we made our own QR code for our blogs, I really think this was fun and new and a good experience getting to like play around with the buttons and getting to like make us how we like it. We got to like do boarders colour’s text and all kinds of things like add photos into the middle of your QR code I also know that QR codes started mostly getting used in 2020 because of covid so like New Zealand had to use most of there things online. This was a fun expeience and if you would like to try it heres a link and creat your own QR code for an app! MEQR . Have fun creating your own comment down below your favorite New Zealand music artist out of 660, Georgia Lines, Evile Laloata! Byeeeee!!!!

– Island Race – (2023 Term 2 Week 3)

안녕하세요 – Hello Readers, last week we started a task the task was to make a board game, design a boat buddy, Living in pardise, packing for sea, map your origins. So My group Felice, Maryeberth, Maryam had made a board game. I think it was really stressful and easy but my team didn’t get along so well. If I could rate us 1 out of 10 I think a 3. We need to work on team work and just help eachother out alot of us were fighting about what we wanted on our map and the cards and what we were going to put in. I still think it was fun and a cool topic work I do think I would do it again but me and my team just need to work better with that teamwork. Comment down below your fav farm animal and why, Byeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3


~ Kawa Of Care ~ 2023

Hey guys this is my kawa of care hope you enjoy it. I think this was very easy and really fun to do. It can teach you how to take care of your chromebook if you listen to it. Its like one of those shows were you have you get the answers right or you lose. Its still really fun to do it took me like 3 days but I do think that it was very easy and amazing to do! bye guys comment your favourite animal.