Tag: digitech

– GR Codes – 12/6/23 Term 2 ^^

다른 블로그 게시물 독자에 다시 오신 것을 환영합니다. 예, 이것은 다시 한국어입니다. ( Welcome back to another blog post readers yes this is in korean again)

This week for digitech we made our own QR code for our blogs, I really think this was fun and new and a good experience getting to like play around with the buttons and getting to like make us how we like it. We got to like do boarders colour’s text and all kinds of things like add photos into the middle of your QR code I also know that QR codes started mostly getting used in 2020 because of covid so like New Zealand had to use most of there things online. This was a fun expeience and if you would like to try it heres a link and creat your own QR code for an app! MEQR . Have fun creating your own comment down below your favorite New Zealand music artist out of 660, Georgia Lines, Evile Laloata! Byeeeee!!!!

Rapunzel Rapunzel I would ask…? /22/5/23/ Term 2!

Welcome back pupils, The last 2 weeks we have been learning how to use flip grid. A site where you can join your class by getting a code from your teacher. This is mostly used to make like videos of what your studying about or what your doing for your blogs. You can get asked questions then you answer them on flip grid and basically you make the video then downloaded it and post it to your blog. So… what we have done Miss Taylor has made a video the story is that Rapunzel got a magic minor where you can ask questions but not yes or no questions. So when we get out of the tower that she has been locked in for many years you can ask the minor what things are like now days. So the whole class done. BYE!! comment down below what is your favorite New Zealand native bird! hope you enjoy the rest of your day here’s mine hope you like it.